Notification issued 09-08-2023 at 03:21 PM.
The National Weather Service has issued the following:
What: Severe Thunderstorm Watch
Where: NYC
When: Until 11:00 PM on 9/8
Hazards: Severe thunderstorms may bring strong winds, heavy rain, and hail. Strong winds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages.
Preparedness Actions: Exercise caution when walking, biking, or driving. Remain alert for threatening weather and possible warnings.
Before an outage
- Charge cell phones
- Gather supplies
- Turn refrigerators/freezers to a colder setting
During an Outage
-Stay clear of downed power lines
-Turn off all appliances
-Keep refrigerator/freezer doors closed to prevent food spoilage
-Do not use generators indoors
-If you have a disability/access needs, or use life sustaining equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, dial 911.
For the latest weather info: www.weather.gov/okx.