Arverne East

Arverne East is a multi-faceted development that will transform a 116-acre vacant, oceanfront site within the Arverne and Edgemere neighborhoods of Queens. Arverne East’s programming is guided by community engagement to produce a thoughtful approach to development - one that directly addresses community needs while reflecting and enhancing the surrounding community and cultures.

Nature Preserve: Final site work will be complete by the end of the month. The project team is working with NYC Parks on final sign-offs for both the Nature Preserve and Multi-Purpose Building. Opening information will be shared when available.
Multi-Purpose Building: See information above.
Project Site Fence: The development team is working with HPD and other agency partners to secure the entirety of the Arverne East Development site between Edgemere Avenue to the North, the Rockaway Beach Boardwalk to the south, Beach 32nd Street to the East and Beach 38th Street to the West. The site will be fully secured with fencing, and security is anticipated to be further enhanced by the installation of security cameras placed throughout the site. Work associated with this effort is anticipated to commence later this summer.
Beach Access: Beach 44th has been reopened, and other entrances between Beach 44th and Beach 56th will reopen this summer pursuant to the opening of the Nature Preserve.
Edgemere Avenue Infrastructure Improvements: Installation of temporary fencing and miscellaneous clearing work along Edgemere Avenue between Beach 32nd and Beach 38th continues. The installation of temporary roadway work signage along Edgemere Avenue is complete. PSEGLI will install new telephone pole lines to relocate power lines between Beach 32nd and Beach 38th - work will continue for another 2-3 weeks. Edgemere Avenue is scheduled to be closed on July 10th from Beach 32nd to Beach 35th. A message board was set up along the street this week to notify the public of the upcoming closure.
Beach Green Dunes III: The site team will continue with the installation of foundation piles. Once the foundation piles are complete, the site team will commence drilling and installing Geothermal vertical lines. The site will be closed on Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th, in observance of the holiday. Saturday work is expected between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm on July 8th.
For more information on the project, please visit

Arverne East will generate job opportunities across a variety of employment sectors. Partnering with experienced community-based and city-wide workforce development agencies, we’ll create connections between Queens residents and employers within the development. Our main goal is to meet hiring needs while supporting, developing, and training quality candidates.
For more information on upcoming employment opportunities and future training opportunities please CONTACT US HERE.
Learn more about our local workforce partners HERE.
The developers of Arverne East encourage businesses local to CB 14, Minority and Women-owned (M/WBE certified) contractors, and vendors to participate in the project across multiple trades and phases.WE WILL BE LOOKING TO PROCURE A VARIETY OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES LOCALLY.For Beach Green Dunes III: We are currently bidding the following for BG3- Hoist & sidewalk bridge, elevators, Masonry and EIFS, Structural steel and misc. metals, carpentry, storefronts. Future purchasing will include flooring, painting, tiling, kitchen cabinets, landscaping, toilet accessories, doors & hardware, lighting fixtures, and final site cleaning.For more information about these opportunities, inquireHERE.
Site Location: Beach 32nd Street to Beach 56th Place
Far Rockaway, NY